Since your character is pre-patch 1.13, you'll only get one free respec in Hell. So apparently it doesn't matter when they finished the quest, only when the character was created.

The goals of GoMule are to: Easily transfer items between Diablo 2 character files (d2s files A modified version of the famous Diablo II muling applicaion. This is a muling application for the computer game Diablo 2 which allows items to be stored and transferred between Single Player characters outside of the game. Due to a change with 's protocols, our launcher could no longer connect to Github servers to check for new patches. Returning players may notice their "PLAY" button says "ERROR!". New to Path of Diablo? Click here to learn how to install the mod. This blog is dedicated to Torchlight mods and I'll be doing weekly reviews of the mods that catch my attention that week, along with cool tutorials and misc information related to Torchlight modding.