Sharing is caring! Related Posts Computers. If you are interested in my services, you may hire me to do content writing, content marketing or other S. Thanks, for visiting Tech Really and have a wonderful day. I hope these tips have helped you in getting back to business and using your Surface 3 or Surface 4 again. Your Microsoft Surface should now boot up properly and configure any installed or uninstalled updates. After restarting, you should see the Surface logo as well as the spinning icon underneath. If you are stuck at the surface logo, press and hold the volume up button and press power at the same time to shut it down and again press and hold volume up button and power to turn it back on. I find that this issue is more common in Windows 8 with so many updates being released all the time.

Doing so, sometimes causes it to go out on a loop and not start Windows at all the next time your turn it on. Microsoft specifically warns users not to perform a hard shutdown without finishing up the Windows Updates. My first tip for you is to shut down your Microsoft Surface only after all of the Microsoft Windows updates are completed. Here are some quick tips to fix your Microsoft Surface from freezing during startup.